George Deukmejian!

Former California governor George Deukmejian bid farewell to Sacramento this week, at the age of 89! Born in Menands, NY – final resting place of 21st President Chester A. Arthur! – Deukmejian moved to California after a stint in the army, became a state assemblyman, a state senator, and state Attorney General, before barely defeating L.A. mayor Tom Bradley for the gubernatorial seat in 1982. He and Pete Wilson held down the mansion for the Republicans for 16 straight years through the ’80s and ’90s, but are booked ended in the list of GOP governors in Cali by the more famous Hollywood duo of Reagan and Schwarzenegger. Nonetheless, for a solidly blue state, it’s kind of amazing how scarsely the Dems have held down the governorship out there – only 20 of the last 50 years, and 16 of those are Jerry Brown! Jeez!

And Sarah racks up her eighth death already, extending her considerable lead, and beginning to tip us into the dangerous area where the pool enters inevitability, and with eight months still to go! I mean, sure, there’s still lots of time, but if history has taught us anything in this pool, it’s that late season comebacks from wide margins are pretty rare, and that Sarah doesn’t tend to hang up epic slumps. So this start is a bit unnerving. Best panel the competition committee! Well done!

Replacement pick is due by next Wednesday!

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